Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tonight was very thought provoking. The article I read generated a lively conversation between myself and four other class members and has made me more convicted. Technology has a great potential to positively impact education but we must move with care and purpose. Technology alone will not make the difference--technology embedded into instruction will.

I was also really inspired by what Scott had to share, both professionally and personally. I have always fostered student creativity through various art forms. When I taught I used the lunch box and had students create short films. It was a wonderful experience for us all. As an administrator I have gotten caught up in other areas and had forgotten the power of film...I will find a way to bring this to our school. And as a mother, I am excited to show my son the website and short films on the Signal-to-Noise website. They are awesome and he is leaning towards looking into film as a career. This might help him make a decision.

1 comment:

  1. "...Technology alone will not make the difference--technology embedded into instruction will."

    This seems to be theme of that whole book as I get through it. And I would add that "intentional" planning of technology-embedded instruction will make a big difference. We used to have a 1 FTE at one of the int'l schools I taught at that was solely dedicated to just that--involving technology in all unit/lesson planning. It worked, but clearly that would be a luxury in our current economic situation.

    BTW-How is WLWV handling the downturn? Will you be laying off people?
