Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, Feb. 5th, 2009

This evening was a sort of potpourri of information and idea gathering. I was really intrigued by the use of clickers in the classroom and want to talk to our IT about investigating this opportunity. We are working with our staff around formative and summative assessment and the use of learning targets and so the idea of using clickers for immediate feedback interested me.

I was also excited about the opportunity that the new ItunesU provides for us in the educational field. I can't wait to go and show our teacher-librarian tomorrow morning.

I am very interested in several of the books and journals that Todd shared and am going to have our school invest in a few of them for myself and others to look at. We need to develop our understanding of the potential that educational technology has to offer us.

And finally, Paul had many important ideas to share and I look forward to thinking through the concepts he presented and the possibilities he gave us. This class really has me thinking...


  1. Let me know what you're thinking about in terms of LT's/assessment. Later in the term, I'll share my vision for this. Paul's statement about the web being a problem solver--the WLWV scenario is a perfect lab for finding a solution.

  2. I agree that the use of clickers presents some interesting opportunities. We used them during our district's strategic planning. It was interesting to survey 150 people, post question stats instantly, and then use that info to guide discussion.
    ItunesU... Great potential- Hopefully, Oregon will get on board.
